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    Lipomassage – Body Endermologie – LPG

    Lipomassage by Endermologie, also known as LPG, is the world-leader in body-shaping equipment and techniques to help you achieve and enjoy an anti-aging lifstyle.

    How does Lipomassage work?

    Treatments are administered with independent motorized rollers to break up, smooth and trap pocket of fat which cause the skin to look dimpled. The three motorized rollers, ROLL’Up – revitalize blood and lymphatic circulation, ROLL’In action is responsible for more than 70% of the fat elimination,  and ROLL’Out is firm slackening skin. With the multiple rotational differentials of the ROLL modalities, LIPOMASSAGE is also able to stimulate the collagen and elastin production, smooth and firm loose skin.

    Benificail results for the body:

    Relieves muscle tension.